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The Green Pill
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The Green Pill
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Full HD
9 minutes
One sleazy slacker once again decided not to go to school. For this, he was trying to pretend to be sick, but the doctor guessed his idea and did not give a false certificate and gave magic pills to the boy. With them, a third-grader becomes an adult. First, he is glad that it is now free to go into the navy or choose a different matter for the soul, but it turns out that a school certificate is necessary everywhere.
One sleazy slacker once again decided not to go to school. For this, he was trying to pretend to be sick, but the doctor guessed his idea and did not give a false certificate and gave magic pills to the boy. With them, a third-grader becomes an adult. First, he is glad that it is now free to go into the navy or choose a different matter for the soul, but it turns out that a school certificate is n