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Preparation marathon English language
Preparation marathon English language
We would like to share a preparation marathon for the NMT in English from the language school EnglishOffice!
Sofia, a methodologist in the teaching department of our EnglishOffice school, will help us with this.
Prepare for NMT in English for FREE in the telegram channel:
Learn more about preparation for NMT in English:
Using promo code Exams - you will receive 1 lesson as a gift:
Why will this NMT training marathon be useful for you?
At this marathon, we will analyze what are the most common mistakes when taking the NMT (exam) in English, we will practically analyze one of the exam tasks, and, of course, we will talk about life hacks that you can use on the NMT itself.
At this marathon you will learn:
- more about the main parts of the NMT exam in English
- detailed analysis of each part of the exam
- how to plan time and concentrate
- tips and life hacks to pass the exam successfully