The Checkered Chicken
IMDb 6.4,
MGG 6.9

The Checkered Chicken

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Full HD
9 minutes
About a boastful chicken that believes that his color is the best, and all the other kids are different from him and are not worthy to be his friends. But soon he will understand the principle on which it is necessary to choose friends and what one should ignore. After all, appearance often does not play any role and will not disturb the support towards each other, spending time together and having fun.
About a boastful chicken that believes that his color is the best, and all the other kids are different from him and are not worthy to be his friends. But soon he will understand the principle on which it is necessary to choose friends and what one should ignore. After all, appearance often does not play any role and will not disturb the support towards each other, spending time together and havin


Ukrainian, Russian


Ukrainian, Russian, Georgian, Kyrgyz