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The Hare Goes out in the World
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The Hare Goes out in the World
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Full HD
10 minutes
A hare has once again escaped from the pack of predators pursuing him. And he thought that he has to hide behind the trees and sometimes even in the cold winter ice hole, and everything is in order not to fall into the clutches of the wolves. But the hare has a note with an invitation from a rabbit that lives in one of the farmhouses to stay in the warmth and comfort, and even food and, which the hosts give to this rabbit. Our hare went to look for the full life and rest from ordeal...
A hare has once again escaped from the pack of predators pursuing him. And he thought that he has to hide behind the trees and sometimes even in the cold winter ice hole, and everything is in order not to fall into the clutches of the wolves. But the hare has a note with an invitation from a rabbit that lives in one of the farmhouses to stay in the warmth and comfort, and even food and, which the