The Way the Butterfly Learned to Live
Как бабочка училась жизни
MGG 6.5

The Way the Butterfly Learned to Live

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Full HD
8 minutes
A humorous story of how an Admiral butterfly was born. He tried to learn as much as possible about everything that surrounds him, but the sudden awareness of his fragility pretty spoiled his mood. Is he destined to live only one day or not? After all, it is strange that his newly made friends have just come with gifts for his birthday, and he is already in full command of his own farewell ceremony...
A humorous story of how an Admiral butterfly was born. He tried to learn as much as possible about everything that surrounds him, but the sudden awareness of his fragility pretty spoiled his mood. Is he destined to live only one day or not? After all, it is strange that his newly made friends have just come with gifts for his birthday, and he is already in full command of his own farewell ceremony




Ukrainian, Russian, Georgian, Kyrgyz