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10 abbreviations in business English
10 abbreviations in business English
In a new video from EnglishOffice, we will look at one of the most popular topics for successful English language learning - abbreviations in business English!
Nadiya, a methodologist in the teaching department of our EnglishOffice school, will help us with this.
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Why will this video be useful to you?
Knowing the abbreviations in business English is of great importance because they greatly facilitate communication in a business environment and increase your professional level.
Based on this, we will look at the Top 10 most common abbreviations you should know!
In this video you will learn about the following abbreviations in business English:
- ASAP - As Soon As Possible;
- AFAIK - As Far As I Know;
- LMK - Let Me Know;
- WFH - Work From Home;
- OOO - Out of Office;
- PTO - Personal or Paid Time Off;
- N/A - Not Available;
- MVP - Minimum Viable Product;
- TOS - Terms of Service;
- PTE or FTE - Part/Full Time Employee.